
Reviewing data

After selecting a population and two measures, Ellipse will draw a scatter plot as well as a covariance error ellipse. Hovering over the chart will show the x and y values of the point both in the measure's unit as well as in standard deviations from the mean.

Using boxes and points

To analyse, compare and present the data, Ellipse allows you to draw annotations over the scatter plot. Two types of annotation can be drawn:

  • Points, can be used to represent a single person from your own measurements.
  • Boxes, allow you to see what percentage of the population fits certain measurements. Boxes also show the amount of data points in it and the amount of data points shared with other boxes if a box overlaps with another box.

All annotations added to the plot are also displayed in the "Annotations" section of the sidebar.

Adding an annotation

  • To draw a box:

    1. Drag from any point in the plot to another to create a box between the two points.
  • To draw a point:

    1. Click anywhere in the plot to create a point in that position.

Note: If an annotation is currently selected (it will appear highlighted in the sidebar list) deselect the annotation by clicking anywhere outside the box.

Note: While drawing, the cursor will automatically snap to other boxes and points.

  • To add an annotation with exact values (measured or percentiles):
    1. Click the Add box or Add point button in the "Annotations" section of the sidebar.
    2. If you want to enter the box or point dimensions/position in percentiles instead of the measurement's unit, click Percentile in the popover.
    3. Enter the X and Y values (or X and Y ranges, when adding a box) in the popover.

Switching between percentile and measurement input values

By default, annotations are drawn based on measurement values (in the quantity belonging to the axis' measure). However it is also possible to use percentile values as input. To toggle between the two:

  1. Click the annotation for which you want to switch the input method in the "Annotations" section of the sidebar.
  2. Click the desired input method (Percentile or Measurement).
  3. Existing input values are automatically converted.

Note: Percentile input values are always rounded to the nearest integer. Annotations may therefore appear to jump when dragged across the plot.

Note: When using percentile input values, boxes may appear to change in size when dragged as the percentile ranges are kept unchanged.

Editing the position and size of an annotation

  • To move an annotation:

    1. Drag the annotation. Note: dragging the edges of boxes will cause them to be resized.
  • To resize a box:

    1. Drag any edge or corner.
  • To enter exact values:

    1. Click the annotation in the "Annotations" section of the sidebar.
    2. Enter the X and Y values (or X and Y ranges, when adding a box) in the popover.

Note: While dragging, the cursor will automatically snap to other boxes and points.

Note: If an annotation is set to use percentile input values it may jump when dragged across the plot as percentile values are rounded to the nearest intgeer.

Note: If a box is set to use percentile input values, it may appear to change in size when dragged as the percentile ranges are kept unchanged.

Editing the appearance of an annotation

  1. Click the annotation in the "Annotations" section of the sidebar. A popover will open.
  2. Do any of the following:
    • Change the annotation's label by changing the text in the display field.
    • Change the colour of the annotation by clicking any of the colours under Appearance.
    • If the annotation is a point, change the shape of the point by clicking any of the shapes under Appearance.

Removing an annotation

  1. Do any of the following:
    • Select the annotation by clicking it in the plot.
    • Select the annotation by clicking it in the "Annotations" section of the sidebar
  2. Do any of the following:
    • Click the - button in the sidebar.
    • Press the Delete key (Backspace key on macOS).

Undoing and redoing changes

  1. Press the Control + Z keys (Command + Z on macOS) to undo any changes.
  2. Press the Control + Y keys (Command + Shift + Z on macOS) to redo any changes that have been undone.

Note: You can undo any changes you make to your analysis. This includes changes to boxes as well as the population and measures.

Looking up details on the selected data

  • If nothing is selected:

    1. Statistical information about the population and two measures is displayed in the toolbar
    2. Click the information in the toolbar to see additional information
  • If a box is selected:

    1. Detailed information about the selected box is displayed in the toolbar
    2. Click the information in the toolbar to see additional information (including information about the analysis)